The 3rd International Conference On Psychology and Behavioral Sciences


The 3rd International Conference On Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, with the theme "Better quality of life and achievement improvement: Uncovering the Impact of Beliefs and Mental Health" which is an international scientific conference organized by Doki Course and Training.

Opening Speech:
Magfiroh, M.Ag
Director of Doki Course and Training

Dr. Syahidah Rena, M.Ed
Institute of Al-Qur'an Sciences (IIQ) Jakarta

Ratna Yunita Setiyani Subardjo, M.Psi., Psychologist (Cand. Ph.D)
National University of Malaysia

Amin Akbar, M.A (Cand. Ph.D)
Sultan Idris Education University Malaysia

Institut Agama Islam (IAI) Depok

Call For Papers
Sub Themes:
- Psychotherapy and Counselling
- Artificial intelligence
- Personality
- Mental disorders
- Teenager
- Drug Abuse
- Education
- Family
- Women and Children
- Sports Psychology

Registration Link:
> Special Registration for Presenters + Conference Participants
> Special Registration for Conference Participants

> Download Proceedings Abstract Template

Important Dates:
1. Abstract Submission: March 18, 2024 - April 11, 2024
2. Notification of Abstract Acceptance: 12-14 April 2024
3. Delivery of Full Paper and Special Payment for Presenters + Conference Participants: 15 April 2024 - 18 May 2024
4. Special Registration for Conference Participants: March 18 - May 25 2024
5. Conference Day and Date: Saturday, June 1 2024, Online Media Zoom Meeting
6. Publication of Online Proceedings: July-December 2024 at
*** Google Scholar indexed proceedings

Registration fee :
Conference Participants (Online Zoom Meeting): IDR 50,000,-
Presenter Participants + Conference Participants (Online Zoom Meeting): Rp. 300,000,-
*Certificate for Zoom meeting participants and presenters