Toxic Positivity Pada Generasi Z
Toxic Positivity, Positive ThinkingAbstract
Study aims to find out whether generation Z has ever experienced toxic positivity in their lives and provide insight to generation Z about the dangers and impacts of excessive positive thinking without them realizing it. Excessive positive thinking will have a negative impact on life, because we are required to always think positively in any situation. Toxic positivity often occurs in life, but many people are not aware of it have done this toxic positivity. Toxic positivity generally comes from oneself and others who don't experience it the same problem. This study uses a type of library research. In analyzing this literature review, the author using content analysis techniques (content analysis). The results of this study concluded that toxic positivity occurs because there is a negative emotion harbored by someone as an effort to overcome these emotions and toxic positivity also occurs because of the positive response given by other people to the problem at hand, but the response it even becomes negative because we are required to always think positively and be grateful for the problem we face no worse than anyone else. This study concludes that people who experience toxic positivity in their lives, will experience long-term mental disorders. This study is expected to provide insight into generation z not to always think excessively positive and it's okay to think negatively, because it's a feeling normally experienced by humans.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Amanda Cantika Samha, Tria Angelina, Yulfi Ramadhona, Mutia Sultari, Amaliyah Aziza, Fari Hussuba, Natasya Alya Putri, Haris Munandar, Muhammad Noer Pasha, Zhaskya Putri Anean, Nur Aini, Yusnidar syahputri, Muhammad Mulfih Andika, Renata Trias Putri

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