Trauma pada Diri Remaja yang Mengakibatkan Gangguan Bipolar dan Diatasi oleh Terapi CBT
Trauma, Bipolar Disorder, Cognition, Qualitative Methods, AdolescentsAbstract
Trauma is that they have to experience a large and excessive emotional stress so that the person cannot control their own feelings which causes trauma to appear in almost everyone (Kaplan and Sadock, 1997). Bipolar disorder is a debilitating multisystem mental illness characterized by fluctuations in activity, cognition, and mood. Cognitive Behavior Therapy techniques for Bipolar as a personality disorder which refers to problematic feelings, thoughts and behavior caused by false self-actualization, which causes feelings to change easily and influences wrong thoughts about oneself and is manifested through maladaptive actions. The aim of this journal is to overcome and treat bipolar disorder which is treated with CBT therapy in clients and to increase insight for readers. The respondents of this journal are teenagers who are experiencing trauma, especially those suffering from bipolar disorder, which will be treated with CBT therapy. The research method we use is a qualitative research method. Qualitative data collection according to Lincoln & Guba (1985) uses interviews, observations and documents (notes or archives). Interviews, participant observation and document review support and complement each other in fulfilling the requirements of the research focus. The collected data is recorded in field notes. How to do this using qualitative research methods.
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