Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Reducing Social Anxiety in CollegeStudent


  • Sae Maharani Ahmad Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang
  • Nadia Suci Audia Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang
  • Kwartalena Mauluddina Meilisa Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang
  • Karin Pratiwi Universitas Al-Azhar Cairo Mesir
  • Berta Habibah Poltekes Kemenkes Palembang



Cognitive behavioral therapy, Social Anxiety, Students


Social anxiety is a mental health condition that is disturbed and often occurs, and this mental health problem is
rarely diagnosed. So this therapy is rarely used in this problem. Apart from that, social anxiety can also be defined as a
disorder where a person experiences excessive fear, worry and stress in social situations. One of the therapies used is
cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a therapy that can overcome conditions of
social anxiety and can change negative thoughts into positive ones towards other people and can reduce excessive
feelings that are often experienced. And with this therapy, those of us who experience anxiety disorders during
socialization can become confident. Therefore, this research aims to find out how Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
reduces anxiety levels in social anxiety disorder and whether Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be linked to social
anxiety. The subjects in this research were students who met the criteria for social anxiety. The research method used is
a qualitative method using a case study design, which is commonly used to test effectiveness. The result showed that
cognitive therapy could decrease the level of social anxiety experienced by the subjek. In collecting data for this
research, researchers used interview techniques, observation, documentation.


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