Perilaku Sosial Dan Gaya Hidup Remaja Di Era Moderenisasi
Adolescent, Social Behavior, ModernisasiAbstract
Modernization is a process of transformation from a direction of change to a more advanced or increasing direction in various aspects of people's lives. Or in other words, modernization is a change from the traditional way to a more advanced way for the benefit of society. Modernization causes changes in the social behavior and lifestyle of teenagers in the surrounding environment. This study aims to determine the social behavior of adolescents in the era of modernization, appearance, and ways of communicating. The method used is a qualitative method to reveal the social behavior of adolescents in the surrounding environment and the lifestyle of adolescents in the Modernization Era. The results of the study show the diversity of social behavior in adolescents, including wearing clothes that are currently trending, they have their own language to communicate on social media. Social media is very meaningful for teenagers in the modernization era, because social media is a place or media to express their feelings. When they have conflicts, teenagers in the modernization era, they are more likely to tell stories and express their feelings on social media. Therefore, the social behavior and lifestyle of adolescents in the modernization era are influenced by advances in technology and communication.
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