Kerentanan Self Harm Pada Remaja Di Era Modernisasi
Self-Harm, Adolescents, Mental Health, Self InjuryAbstract
Self-harm or self-injury is a form of behavior to express emotional feelings by self-harm that is done intentionally without any intention to commit suicide. adolescent age. The subjects in this study used a purposive sampling technique, while the subjects were teenagers in the city of Palembang, n=50. Interviews were conducted using the Google form platform and observation/documentation interviews. Data analysis used (qualitative) on vulnerable youth aged 14-21 years. Self-injury is mostly done by teenagers because of the inability of adolescents to overcome problems, feeling lonely, high levels of difficulty in responding to negative experiences and low levels of tolerance. for problems faced coping focus on emotions, external and internal factors as well as parents' communication patterns. The action usually occurs in adolescence or adulthood. However, people who self-harm tend to cover up the behavior. This happened because he was reluctant to tell or open up to other people around him regarding the problems he was facing. Self harm is a step and makes a person express the feelings he is facing, such as feelings of anger, annoyance, stress to depression and other emotions. Why is that? It aims to make him feel satisfied. relieved, and calm that he had expressed his emotions. However, the feeling of satisfaction, relief, and calm is only temporary because after doing self harm, a feeling of guilt will arise in him.
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Copyright (c) 2022 M. Ridho Saputra, Dwi Anugerah Cahaya Mukti, Ria Angelina, Putri Aulia Maharani, Bella Dwi Yuniarti, Sahidatul Fitria, Nabilla Rais Saefullah, Hafizah Nisrina, Norma Jeni Aprilia, Rahmat Hidayat

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