Benefits of Sodaqoh Therapy in Islamic Psychotherapy Against Jealousy
Islamic Therapy, Alms, EnvyAbstract
This study discusses the definition and concept of envy, alms therapy in Islam, the relationship between envy and psychological health, Islamic psychotherapy, and the effects of sodaqoh in Islamic psychotherapy. Envy is a negative feeling that arises because of dissatisfaction or a desire to have something that belongs to someone else. The concept of envy involves comparisons of oneself with others and is often rooted in feelings of injustice, lack of self-satisfaction, or feelings of inferiority. Alms therapy in Islam is the practice of giving donations or assistance to others as a form of charity and worship to Allah. This therapy has spiritual and social benefits for individuals and society as a whole. The type of research used is library research or library research, in which data and information are collected from various documents related to the object of research. The aim is to overcome a problem by conducting a critical and in-depth study of the relevant literature. The results of the study state that the relationship between envy and psychological health can negatively affect individuals who experience it, causing stress, depression, low self-esteem, and interpersonal conflict. Sodaqoh or sadaqah therapy has the potential to have a positive impact on a person's mental health and happiness, including providing a sense of contentment, reducing stress, increasing mental well-being, and building character and gratitude. The use of sodaqoh therapy in treating jealousy can be an effective additional approach in overcoming psychological problems and strengthening the spiritual relationship with God.
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