About the Journal


Proceeding title Proceeding Conference on Da'wah and Communication Studies
Initials CDCS
ISSN Online 2985-7228
ISSN Print 2986-5719
Frequency 1 issues per year (December)
DOI On Process
Publisher CV. Doki Course and Training
Subject Areas Da'wah, Communication Studies
Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Dimension |DOAJ | Others

Proceeding Conference On Da'wah and Communication Studies published by CV. Doki Course and Training. The papers to be published are the results of scientific works presented at Conference On Da'wah and Communication Studies. It covers problems in da'wah and communication studies. It is published one a year, in December. There are two version of publication; print out (p) with ISSN : 2986-5719 and electronic (e) with ISSN Online : 2985-7228.

Current Issue

Vol. 2 (2023): Proceeding Conference On Da'wah and Communication Studies
					View Vol. 2 (2023): Proceeding Conference On Da'wah and Communication Studies

The proceedings published in Vol 2 No 1 of 2023 are the result of a National Conference in the Republic of Indonesia, namely The 2nd Conference on Da'wah and Communication Studies, with the theme "Da'wa and Communication in the Era of Society 5.0: An Aspect of Life Values" which is a scientific conference organized by CV. Doki Course and Training on Saturday, December 9, 2023 via zoom meeting.

Speakers :
- Muhamad Hizbullah, MA (Dosen Institut Ilmu Al-Qur’an (IIQ) Jakarta)
- Dr. Barzan Faizin, M.Pd (Dosen UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung)
M. Iqbal, S.H., M.E., C.W.C (Dosen UIN Raden Fatah Palembang)

Sub Theme :
- Aspects of Human Spirituality in Preaching and Communicating in the Era of Society 5.0 (Aspek Spiritualitas Manusia dalam Berdakwah dan Berkomunikasi di Era Society 5.0)
- Technology Aspects for the Development of Da'wah and Human Communication (Aspek Teknologi Bagi Perkembangan Dakwah dan Komunikasi Manusia)
- Psychological Aspects in Conveying Da'wah and Communicating (Aspek Psikologis dalam Menyampaikan Dakwah dan Berkomunikasi)
- Aspects of Social Media in Da'wah and Communication Patterns (Aspek Media Sosial dalam Dakwah dan Pola Komunikasi)
- Counseling and Psychotherapy in Preaching and Communicating (Konseling dan Psikoterapi dalam Dakwah dan Berkomunikasi)
- Psychological Aspects in Conveying Da'wah and Communicating (Aspek Psikologis dalam Menyampaikan Dakwah dan Berkomunikasi)
- Aspects of Social Media in Da'wah and Communication Patterns (Aspek Media Sosial dalam Dakwah dan Pola Komunikasi)
- Entrepreneurship Aspects as a Media Da'wah (Aspek Kewirausahaan Sebagai Media Dakwah)

Hopefully the Proceedings published in Vol 2 No 1 2023 edition will be useful for scientific development, especially in the field of Da'wah and Communication Studies.

CV. Doki Course and Training

Published: 2023-12-31


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