Vol. 2 (2023): Proceeding Conference On Da'wah and Communication Studies

The proceedings published in Vol 2 No 1 of 2023 are the result of a National Conference in the Republic of Indonesia, namely The 2nd Conference on Da'wah and Communication Studies, with the theme "Da'wa and Communication in the Era of Society 5.0: An Aspect of Life Values" which is a scientific conference organized by CV. Doki Course and Training on Saturday, December 9, 2023 via zoom meeting.
Speakers :
- Muhamad Hizbullah, MA (Dosen Institut Ilmu Al-Qur’an (IIQ) Jakarta)
- Dr. Barzan Faizin, M.Pd (Dosen UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung)
M. Iqbal, S.H., M.E., C.W.C (Dosen UIN Raden Fatah Palembang)
Sub Theme :
- Aspects of Human Spirituality in Preaching and Communicating in the Era of Society 5.0 (Aspek Spiritualitas Manusia dalam Berdakwah dan Berkomunikasi di Era Society 5.0)
- Technology Aspects for the Development of Da'wah and Human Communication (Aspek Teknologi Bagi Perkembangan Dakwah dan Komunikasi Manusia)
- Psychological Aspects in Conveying Da'wah and Communicating (Aspek Psikologis dalam Menyampaikan Dakwah dan Berkomunikasi)
- Aspects of Social Media in Da'wah and Communication Patterns (Aspek Media Sosial dalam Dakwah dan Pola Komunikasi)
- Counseling and Psychotherapy in Preaching and Communicating (Konseling dan Psikoterapi dalam Dakwah dan Berkomunikasi)
- Psychological Aspects in Conveying Da'wah and Communicating (Aspek Psikologis dalam Menyampaikan Dakwah dan Berkomunikasi)
- Aspects of Social Media in Da'wah and Communication Patterns (Aspek Media Sosial dalam Dakwah dan Pola Komunikasi)
- Entrepreneurship Aspects as a Media Da'wah (Aspek Kewirausahaan Sebagai Media Dakwah)
Hopefully the Proceedings published in Vol 2 No 1 2023 edition will be useful for scientific development, especially in the field of Da'wah and Communication Studies.
CV. Doki Course and Training