Augmented Reality On Instagram As A Medium For Delivering Dakwah In Community Communication 5.0


  • Dellbi Rahmahdini UIN Raden Fatah Palembang
  • Siti Meilinda da Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang
  • Annisa Artha Yunia da UIN Raden Fatah Palembang



Augmented Reality (AR), Da'wah, Technology, Da'wah Media.


Technology developments are becoming a step forward for society to formulate innovations that make one's life easier, one of them is to facilitate the channel of da'wah. This study aims to reveal the role and importance of augmented reality (AR) on Instagram as a medium for delivering da'wah in community communication 5.0. The research was formulated using a descriptive qualitative method through literature studies. Secondary data from previous research was collected using a reading, listening and recording scheme. The data is evaluated through a series of processes of collecting, editing, reducing, presenting data, verifying data, and presenting conclusions. This research succeeded in formulating the implementation of da'wah as one of the foundations for the effective spread of Islam through AR. The application of AR is considered more interesting, fun, useful, interactive, and increases user enjoyment in listening and interacting directly with da'wah. In addition, the design of da'wah messages is formulated in the form of "one content, one message" to provide an integrative understanding of mad'u in receiving da'wah material.


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How to Cite

Dellbi Rahmahdini, da, S. M., & da, A. A. Y. (2023). Augmented Reality On Instagram As A Medium For Delivering Dakwah In Community Communication 5.0. Proceeding Conference on Da’wah and Communication Studies, 2(1), 35-44.

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