Manfaat Positif Doa Bagi Psikis Orang YangMengalami Sakit Kanker
Dua, Cancer,, PsychicAbstract
This article discusses the benefits of prayer for people with dangerous diseases such as cancer. There is no negativeprayer
because prayer is always positive. Prayer is a great worship and the main good deeds. In fact, it is the essence of worship
and its substance. Ibn Kathir Interprets, "Worship Me" and as is well known the form of worship will produce an effect
because of positive thinking. In psychology, the benefits of positive thinking in thebook Benefits of positive thinking for
body and mind explain that when the brain always thinks positively, it will avoid stress which will affect the body's
immunity and will make a person tough. The research method used is in the form of descriptive qualitative with data
collection through interviews and observations on patients who experience the disease. It can be concluded that the
positive energy produced by prayer makes him always remember Allah SWT
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Copyright (c) 2022 Muhaimin Iskandar, Agnesia Ramadhayant, Ajeng Tri Meilani, Muhammad Firly Akbar, Meila Faiza, Fadilla Maulani, Irawati Adhal Laeli, Salsabil Nasha, Yenni Nurhikmah, Putri Nurdiani, Ajeng Asih Rahma Pratiwi, Wirayatna, Natasha Putri Salshabila, fami kurnia Khairunnisa

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