Terapi Menulis Ekspresif pada Gangguan Stress Pasca Trauma terhadap Remaja  yang Mengalami Kekerasan dalam Hubungan Percintaan


  • Istiza Asza Kalihza Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang, Fakultas Psikologi Program Studi Psikologi Islam
  • Khaulah Nabilah Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang, Fakultas Psikologi Program Studi Psikologi Islam
  • Diah Natasya Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang, Fakultas Psikologi Program Studi Psikologi
  • Yulianti Dewi Suci Universitas Negeri Sriwijaya, Fakultas Hukum Program Studi Ilmu Hukum




Teenagers, Traumatic, Stress disorder


This research is motivated by the many cases of dating violence experienced by teenagers today. This can make one of the parties feel disadvantaged and experience trauma and trigger stress disorders. This stress disorder can have a traumatic impact on clients. Post-traumatic stress disorder arises from a very stressful event. In this case the client experienced trauma caused by dating violence. Based on the client's case, the appropriate therapy given is expressive writing. Expressive writing is a writing method that is done by expressing thoughts about what is felt within a person by narrating freely. Expressive writing is very useful for maintaining a person's mental health so that they can freely express themselves. Expressive writing therapy is important for clients, because clients who are victims often have irrational thoughts, lose hope, and have difficulty connecting with the real world. Therefore, they experience behavioral disorders such as being moody, having difficulty communicating healthily, passive behavior and tending to close themselves off. The data collection technique uses descriptive qualitative methods in the form of counseling using observation and interview approaches.


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