Ingin Panjang Umur ? Berdoalah yang Berkualitas
Quality prayer,, LongevityAbstract
This study aims to determine the effect of prayer on people's lives in terms of physical and psychological. Because of that,
this article was created to explain the impact that quality prayer can have on prolonging one's life. This research method
uses the literature study method with content analysis techniques. This literature study is an activity of collecting materials
related to research originating from books, scientific journals, literature and other publications that can be used as sources
for this research. Based on this, this article concludes that prayer is psychotherapy for individuals who experience
psychological problems. Basically, humans do need a strength in every situation because prayer is the most important
activity in life. In today's life, it can be seen that having a long life is a difficult matter because living in this globalization
era wanting to have a long life is not easy. Life and lifestyle in today's era is very unlikely for someone to live long in the
world. Then, there are many people who have a long life but only enjoy the world or do nothing for their own benefit. The
high expectation to live longer does not necessarily guarantee a person's quality of life. However, if you want to survive
longer or have a long life, one can do useful activities, one of which is praying with quality, where someone prays for his
physical and psychological benefits and for the happiness of the world and the hereafter.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Junita Sabrina, Shona Tuzzahra, Putri Oktaviana, Anjelli Nuraisyah, Rana Rani, Nazifah, Dwi Amanda Khairunisya, khoirunnisak, Malahayati, Ega Agustin, Indah Pratiwi, Andika redha, Yusmalia Firsana, Mohammad Rizki Mahidin, Aura ramadhania putri

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