Pengaruh Do’a Terhadap Coping Stress Pada Mahasiswa
Coping stress, Prayer, StudentsAbstract
This research is entitled "The Effect of Prayer on Coping Stress in Students". Stress coping behavior can also be regarded
as transactions made by individuals to overcome various demands (internal and external) as something that burdens and
interferes with their survival. Stress coping strategies aim to overcome situations and demands that are felt to be pressing,
challenging, burdensome, and exceeding the resources they have. Spiritual strategies with prayer can affect coping stress.
The purpose of this article is to explain the understanding of the effect of prayer on coping with stress in college students.
This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection methods from books or journals. The technique used
is by analyzing the contents of the various literatures collected. The results of this study indicate that prayer is very
influential on coping with stress in students, seen from various literatures which state that students in coping with stress
always involve spirituality or draw closer to God. Prayer is one that has an influence on coping with stress, students feel
more at ease in their hearts, souls and bodies after making prayer as a way of coping with stress with good results.
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