Dampak Positif Doa Sebagai Motivasi Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir
Prayer, Positive Impact, MotivationAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the positive impact of prayer as a motivation for final semester students. The
method used in this study is a qualitative method, namely collecting data obtained from interviews with final semester
students. By praying we find peace in the face of all difficulties, including in completing college education. With the
motivation to pray and can increase enthusiasm and get convenience, because in the condition of being a final semester student
it is very difficult for some students who do not have a strong mentality and by praying can calm themselves down. Indeed
prayer is the giver of strength to the human soul because it can eliminate sadness, fear, and anxiety. Prayer can also relieve
feelings of hopelessness, weakness, and anxiety. Thus, final year students in the face of various difficulties and challenges
faced, with a prayer to surrender their sadness and distress to Allah SWT so that these various sorrows do not endanger their
health and weaken their will.
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