About the Journal
Proceeding title | Proceeding of Accounting, Management, Business and Sustainability |
Initials | AMBS |
ISSN Online | 3048-0205 |
Frequency | 1 issues per year |
DOI | On Process |
Publisher | Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI) Wilayah Sumatera Selatan collaborates with CV. Doki Course and Training (Publihser Legality) (Memorandum of Understanding) |
Subject Areas | Accounting, Management, Business and Sustainability |
Citation Analysis | Google Scholar |Others |
Proceeding of Accounting, Management, Business and Sustainability published by Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI) Wilayah Sumatera Selatan collaborates with CV. Doki Course and Training. The papers to be published are the results of scientific works presented at Conference organized by Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI) Wilayah Sumatera Selatan or by CV. Doki Course and Training, other institutions that will collaborate. It covers problems in psychological studies such as Accounting, Management, Business and Sustainability. It is published one a year, in December. There are two version of publication; print out (p) with ISSN and electronic (e) with ISSN Online: 3048-0205
Current Issue
Vol 1 No 1 2023: 1-18
The articles in this proceedings are from the International Conference on Sustainability Initiative in Emerging Economies: SMEs, Higher Education, Public Sectors, and Finance
October 26th to 27th, 2023, Grand Hatika Hotel, Tj Pandan Belitung, Indonesia
Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI) Wilayah Sumatera Selatan collaboration with CV. Doki Course and Training
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Ali Darwin, Ak., MSc., CSRA (Executive Director of The ESG Academy, National Center For Corporate Reporting (NCCR))
Invited Speakers:
Dr. Agung Firman Sampurna, S.E., M.A.P., CSFA., CFrA., CGCAE., QGIA (Chief Commissioner of PT MNC Asia Holding Tbk)
Dr. Mays Awad Shatnawi (Islamic Banks Examiner at Central Bank of Jordan)
Fitra Roman Cahaya, PhD (Essex Business School, University of Essex)
Prof Madya Dr. Zulnaidi Yacoob (Assoc Prof of Accounting, Universiti Sains Malaysia)